smac pta
pta treasurer
T R E a s u r e r:
NOUN- A person who is responsible for taking care of the money of a club or business.
You've been elected as treasurer! now what?
You have been elected as the authorized custodian of the funds and are responsible for the financial management of your Unit PTA.
You are responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all monies in accordance with the Unit bylaws and standing rules along with the member approved budget.
You must work closely with the President and have a thorough understanding of the financial matters of the PTA.
You have an incredibly important job for your unit, so be sure you give it the attention it deserves.
Scholastic Book Fair Sales Tax Change
Effective 2022, per Scholastic Book Sales, individuals who are not tax-exempt must pay sales tax on all book fair purchases.
This would include our families. If your school or your PTA purchase books for their own use, they do not need to pay sales tax because they are tax exempt organizations.
Please see the FAQ form here for further details
More information is available from Scholastic here: https://scholastic.force.com/scholasticfaqs/s/global-search/
duties of the treasurer
Treasurer Guide & Workbook (view/print this step-by-step Treasurer Resource Guide)
GIVEBACKS Membership, Officer submission, Document submission, State dues submission
Treasurer Booklet (including printable Records Retention Timeline, Audit Forms, etc)
school of instruction Treasurer Workshop 5.19.21
Annual Audit: Verify that the Annual Audit has been performed and that the results are presented at your first general meeting. A copy of audit documentation is required to be uploaded in GIVEBACKS.
PTA Insurance: Make sure your PTA unit insurance is paid and active. Kansas PTA recommends Liability, Bonding, and Director’s & Officer’s Liability. You are required to list Shawnee Mission School District; 8200 W. 71st St Overland Park, KS 66204, as an additional insured. (RV Nuccio Insurance )
SMSD Liability Insurance Proof: (click to see what is submitted to SMSD) You must send a copy of your insurance documents, by September 1, to SMSD, c/o Gayle O'Grady, at gayleogrady@smsd.org.
SMAC Dues / Clothing Exchange: Due no later than September 15. Pay via GIVEBACKS or mail with form.
IRS Form 990-EZ, or 990-N (electronic postcard): This must be postmarked by November 15th, each year to the IRS. Keep a copy for your records and PTA bylaws require that you submit a copy to the Kansas PTA via GIVEBACKS, by November 15th each year. Yes, we have to file taxes even though we do not owe taxes.
PTA Membership and dues must be done MONTHLY, in GIVEBACKS.​
As a requirement of your unit’s tax-exempt status with the State of Kansas, you are required to file sales tax reports, even if you owe nothing. You can do this at: http://www.ksrevenue.org/kswebtax.html. Make Note: If this is not done as required, your unit will be assessed penalties, even if you owe nothing.
Never make financial decisions on your own. Your unit budget, as approved by the membership, will be your guide in all financial affairs. If your budget needs amending, do so at a general meeting with a vote of the membership.
All checks:
Require two signatures
Many units have up to four check signers at the bank. Check signers are typically noted in your standing rules (treasurer, president, first vice president & secretary)
Are never to be signed if blank
Are never to be payable to the Treasurer unless two OTHER officers sign. A check signer should never sign a check that is made out to them or someone they are related to.
All PTA monies received should:
Be well-documented in your financial records as to who paid, what for and how much (Spreadsheets are wonderful for this).
At the very least a handwritten list of all checks should be submitted to you with the checks/money or you can make copies of the checks, but this is time consuming)
Be verified by others in PTA. two people other than the treasurer should count cash prior to turning it into the treasurer and document who they are and the amount they say is there.
Never be deposited to anyone's personal account or any school account
Always give a report of balances of accounts at every meeting of your PTA, as well as a budget report showing categories of income and expenses.
Monthly Bank Reconciliations completed and Monthly Audits done by a member who is not a signer on the account.
Stay organized. Keep your PTA treasurer records in an organized fashion so anyone could pick up the job if you should become unable to perform your duties.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us: SMAC President | SMAC Treasurer | Kansas PTA Treasurer
Quick Tips
Even though we are tax-exempt, we must still file a return to protect our tax-exempt status. If your unit’s gross income (this is all money that enters your bank account) is $50,000 or less, you file a form 990- N, which is an “e-postcard” filed online. All others would file a 990-EZ either paper or electronically. Your 990 must be filed by November 15th of each year.
Also, in order to remain a “Unit in Good Standing” your unit must submit a copy of your 990-N or 990-EZ to Kansas PTA by uploading the confirmation or copy in MemberHub by November 15th of each year.
RV Nuccio Insurance Purchase Link
Submit Proof of Insurance to SMSD
archived Guides:
'So Now You're a Treasurer' Guide - 2012
Unit in Good Standing
This is very important to adhere to the PTA guidelines in order for your children and Units to participate in any state or national programs (Citizenship contest, Reflections contest, School of Excellence, etc), and to maintain your PTA levels.
Ensure your most recent Standing Rules are submitted in MemberHub each year no later than October 1.
Additionally, a new copy should be submitted each time you make a change
Ensure your treasurer conducts the yearly audit before the incoming Treasurer takes over and promptly submits to KS PTA, by submitting in MemberHub.
Ensure your treasurer submits membership dues and membership roster (with email addresses) in MemberHub MONTHLY, beginning with September 1.
Ensure your 990 is submitted to the IRS by November 15 and is promptly submitted in MemberHub.
Ensure SMAC Dues are submitted - Due no later than September 15
Renew liability insurance and submit a copy of certificate, naming SMSD as additional insured, to gayleogrady@smsd.org. Due no later than September 1st.